Email Marketing – A Personal Approach

Marketing and advertising are one of the most cut throat industries that businesses have invested billions on. The effects of marketing efforts are undeniable when it comes to influencing the market into certain trends and fads that is why innovation is the key into keeping your marketing strategies afloat. In this modern world of high technology, it is imperative that we use technology to our advantage in order to get an edge in the marketing industry. This is where email marketing plays a vital role in increasing revenues and general sales for some companies.

The strategy of marketing is not only aimed at attracting new and fresh customers but it is also geared towards the care for its already reached customers. Brand loyalty is good for the company because it establishes a constant relationship between the consumer and the company. With good brand loyalty, customers tend to promote products to other friends or relatives. And in an indirect way creates positive press for the product altogether. But creating this loyalty is the company’s concern. Through email marketing, companies can keep in touch with current customers by sending news letter and updates on sales,bargains,and promos. This form of customer service makes the customer feel important and therefore enhances the relationship with the company or product. Ensuring patronage may not get you new customers but it guarantees you a long term sure customer.

Although many are against the use of email marketing. Because of the general public’s negative response to spam and junk mails, to some others. Emails actually create a more personal approach between customer and product purchase. Unlike adds on television and radio that the customer cannot directky respond to. Emails create an avenue of dialogue if the customer has more questions regarding the product. Not only is this dialogue opened. But it also is assured a quick response as emails arrive in your inbox in real time schedule. Another reason why most companies choose to use email marketing often is. Because there is no cost to it as compared to the amount of money spent on TV ads, print ads, and radio commercials. It is obvious that for huge revenue results and zero capital cost. It is the way to go for most capitalists.

There is no loss in email marketing. For companies, it costs them nothing to send these emails, for the customer. If they don’t like to respond then it is as easy as deleting the message. But the gains in which you have to consider is being able to address customer service in a more interactive and convenient way. When customers have questions they can ask them through email and the company responds. The customer can come back with a response only when he or she feels like it therefore creating no pressure at all to the customer. And even creates a more suitable and pleasant environment for discourse. Email marketing at the end of the day works and has proven profit increase for some companies through the years.